Podcast: Every Industry Has Its Dips: How to Deal With Demand Drops w/Karel Lukas

Just like many industries, recruiting isn’t immune to market highs and lows. Every sector is going to have its dips, and that can affect both demand and supply.

When there’s uncertainty in the economy, no one wants to rock the boat. Candidates want to stay where they are, and companies decide to cut back on hiring.

Over the last year, tech has found itself in this position. Between layoffs and concerns around AI, there has been a dip in demand, and it can leave a recruiter in a tough spot. How do recruiters deal with these pullbacks and survive to see the inevitable market upswing?

This is where tenacity and persistence really come into play. A post-and-pray approach won’t take you far in this market, a shaking-the-trees mentality will.

How do you make your business market-proof? What’s the secret to finding those hidden gem candidates? In this hashtag

#TalentHunters episode hosted by Vince Holt, president and managing director of The Trevi Group, Karel Lukas talks about what attracted him to recruiting, what makes his team stand out and his mindset on demand dips.

#recruitinglife #executivesearch #technology #entrepreneur #thetrevigroup #informationtechnology
