COVID-19: We can help....
/While The Trevi Group is well known for finding great talent and top performers for our clients, I wanted you to know that we also handle Outplacement and creative staffing alternatives that could significantly reduce your company’s costs and maximize your team’s morale and performance during this crisis.
1. For example, if you are looking to reduce hours for some of the staff, or need to layoff some staff, we have an option that can reduce costs. As an example, we have a couple of clients that are laying off staff, but need 2-3 of these individuals are needed to work part time hours for get critical things done. What we are doing is moving these individuals to our payroll system, and then having them work for the company on a part time basis -- thereby substantially reducing payroll costs and the heavier burden relationship associated with direct employees.
2. Additionally, for the talented individuals that you need to lay off, we are providing outplacement services. We are helping these individuals transition their careers, and allowing you to provide compassionate support as they exit. When these individual are treated well, the result is higher morale and productivity for those that are retained in the organization.
The bottom line is that we are here to help and support you in every way we can. Let us know if either of these options make sense for you in today’s uncertain economy and unrest?
Contact us at to discuss how we can help you.
The Trevi Group | Executive Search for Technology Professionals |